Channel: Wisdom Teeth Removal – Family and Cosmetic Dentists Serving Riverton, West Jordan, Draper, Murray, Stansbury Park and Salt Lake City, Utah – Apex Family Dental

Tips For Quick Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal


We are all different when it comes to our teeth, and wisdom teeth are no exception: Are my teeth crowded? Do I have enough room for my wisdom teeth? Are my wisdom teeth impacted in the gums?

X-rays are essential to tell whether your wisdom teeth are impacted or not. With them as a guide, your dentist can recommend exactly when (and if) your wisdom teeth should be removed. Some patients will have wisdom teeth that are more deeply impacted (or embedded) than others, meaning that their surgery may be a little more difficult and their recovery slightly more prolonged.

It’s difficult to predict how every individual will fare after wisdom teeth removal. But there are definitely some things you can do on the day of surgery to make for a faster (and less painful) recovery.

1. Start taking your pain medication almost immediately. The local (and/or general) anesthetic begins to wear off after about an hour following surgery; that’s when your post-operative pain may begin to kick in. Think prevention: Take your prescription (or over-the-counter) pain meds before the pain starts.

2. Have an adequate supply of soft foods and fluids on hand at home. Wisdom tooth surgery may limit what you can and cannot eat, so buy soft foods such as juice, soup, apple sauce, yogurt, pudding and cottage cheese, etc.

3. Prepare a comfortable resting place beforehand. Some people are “out and about” soon after wisdom tooth removal, but all patients should take a little time to rest and recover. Make sure you have ice packs, gauze, and a pillow or two for your favorite couch or recovery place. TV, TV remote, a supply of DVDs, and plenty of nourishing foods, etc., can help pass the time while recovering. You may be down for a day or two (sometimes more), so plan accordingly.

4. Learn about possible complications that can happen following surgery. Listen to your Oral Surgeon before and after surgery on what to watch out for. Learn about how to prevent or reduce swelling, possible dry socket and trismus, or muscle tightness, so you can recognize their signs and symptoms should they occur. If you have any concerns at all, seek appropriate help from the Oral Surgeon and/or dentist.

5. Be gentle when cleaning your teeth. The normal blood clot in the extraction site needs time to heal. Brushing may be uncomfortable, so brush gently in the areas of the surgery. Be sure to keep your mouth fresh and clean afterwards by gently rinsing following any food and/or beverage.

The post Tips For Quick Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal appeared first on Family and Cosmetic Dentists Serving Riverton, West Jordan, Draper, Murray, Stansbury Park and Salt Lake City, Utah - Apex Family Dental.

Laser Dentistry: a Better Way of Treating Patients


The health field is always on the rise. Every year new techniques are introduced that make dentistry easier, faster, and more effective. One of those happens to be the laser. Here at Apex we house the DEKA soft tissue dental laser. It is the latest and safest dental technology. Only about 5% of Utah dentist offer laser dentistry, but fortunately for Apex clients, it is accessible at five of our six locations. The DEKA CO2 laser is state-of-the-art technology and has been approved by the FDA.

Dentistry can be a frightening concept to a vast majority of people. There are a wide variety of reasons why we shy away from dentists, but two very common reasons are pain and healing time. By being able to use the laser, it significantly reduces those two areas and provides a simple solution.  Dental procedures that partner with the laser often require no incisions or sutures, reduce bleeding, and do not need anesthesia. The incredible accuracy of the laser makes it so the surrounding area is less likely to be damaged and provides precision and exactness when performing the procedure.

Some of the procedures in which the laser can be used:

Smile design-

The laser is able to shape the gum line and expose more of the tooth making it more balanced and improve the appearance of the smile.


Tissue connects the lip to the gums and the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.  In some cases, these connective tissues are too restricting. A restrictive attachment from the upper lip to the gum can cause a gap in the front teeth. An attachment that is too restrictive on the underside of the tongue may result in a challenge for babies to breast-feed, or create a speech impediment. Laser frenectomy is a much more comfortable method of removing the restricting portion of the frenum, often requiring no stitches or inscisions.

Dental Implants and other oral surgeries-

Using the dental laser instead of a metal scalpel can reduce bleeding, swelling and discomfort. The laser can also sterilize areas affected to reduce the possibility of future infection. These methods can result in shorter and more comfortable healing time for patients.

Tooth (Dentin) sensitivity-

Tooth sensitivity is a common and frustrating problem. Many adults have tooth sensitivity on some level. If you have any teeth that are sensitive laser dentistry may be the answer.

Cold Sore or Canker Sore-

These little pests are not only a sore on the mouth but can be an eye sore of the face. They are hard to hide and tend to take quite some time to heal. With the help of the laser, your cold or canker sores can be removed and by doing such, they will never again return to that same area.

The post Laser Dentistry: a Better Way of Treating Patients appeared first on Family and Cosmetic Dentists Serving Riverton, West Jordan, Draper, Murray, Stansbury Park and Salt Lake City, Utah - Apex Family Dental.

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